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Прогнозування опору втоми в'язкопружних композитів армованих короткими волокнами
Остання редакція: 2018-05-18
Тези доповіді
The composite materials used in progressive technics structures can experience fatigue damage and failure due to the repeated loads. Hence, the models that stimulate the response of composites under cyclic loads are necessary to design structures of long term strength. Theoretical estimation of remaining lifetimes and residual strength is an important modern problem of solid mechanics. The response of composite structures under fatigue loading is a rather new problem that has led to the development of a number of fatigue prediction models. The focus of this paper is on the strength degradation effects, continuum damage mechanics approach, and micromechanics models capabilities. Nonlinearity of metal matrix is connected with instant elastic properties and stored in time micro-defects. Some numerical examples were analyzed. Internal stress concentration and fatigue life was modeled for metal matrix composite with nonlinear visco-elastic Al8091 matrix, and nonlinear elastic boron and SiC short fibers. As a part of conclusions it should be noted that results of fatigue life prediction with the model proposed are in an acceptable correlation with known from literature experimental data. Due to multi-parameter nature of process and used approach, it is needed to continue this work, especially in the sense of identification material constants.
Ключові слова
composite material, fatigue life, visco-elastic, stress concentration
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