Остання редакція: 2019-06-20
Тези доповіді
The paper considers ways to increase the impact energy of a striker and a target at hypersonic speeds in the range of 2-10 km / s. The estimates of the shock compression energies of porous and monolithic copper strikers at the impact velocity ≈7-9 km / s were obtained and a comparison was made with the energy of the chemical interaction of the components of the porous composite (Cu - Al). Calculated values of pressure at impact of monolithic and porous copper strikers on the target of aluminum alloy at speeds of 2 and 3 km / s. Dependence of compressive energy of monolithic and porous copper depending on the compression value is obtained. It is shown that in addition to the traditional way of increasing the energy of shock interaction - increasing the speed of impact to achieve such an increase, it is possible to increase the porosity and introducing into the composition of the striker material energy additives that, under certain conditions of dynamic loading, enter into chemical reactions with the material of the striker. The open question remains about the significance of the critical parameters of dynamic load, in which the components of the composite of the striker material react.